Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And the winner is...

Adam Beck! Congrats, Adam! The selection criteria of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge were finally revealed this morning on the radio: the winner would be the person the judges felt would be best able to lead next year's group of contestants. Adam's the man for sure...Trek ride leader, cancer survivor, and all-around great guy--just like last year's winner!! I couldn't have tried any harder, but no way could I win against that! Oh well. I still get to do the ride along with six of my Team xx1090 buds and I'm going to savor every moment. =)

Thanks, Brian for this pic of the crew in the xx1090 studio:

Scott Kaplan, Mark, Alex, Mike (last year's winner and this year's fearless leader), Adam (Winner!), me, Brian, Joe and BR. Rob Millum couldn't make it, but will also join us on the ride. Yeeeeeehaw!!

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
