Sunday, July 5, 2009

The journey of 620 miles begins with a single step...and a lot of training.

Somehow I was lucky enough to be picked to take part in the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge to win a spot in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge (QMDC). QMDC is a 7-day bike ride from San Francisco to San Diego with a goal of raising funds and awareness for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). The idea is to have each of 100 riders raise $10K. That's a million bucks that will go to help veterans and first responders wounded in the line of duty as well as other folks with a variety of disabilities get the equipment and support they need to live active lifestyles. Yep, we all have challenges we need to overcome to be active, fit and healthy. Want some inspiration to overcome those challenges? Check out the stories of some of the athletes who have benefitted from CAF.

Anyway, many people have asked me to keep them posted on how things are going with the contest and I figured this would be a good way to do it. To summarize what's happened to date, we just had our fourth weekly group workout today. Week 1 was a 40-mile easy coast ride. Week 2 was a hilly 60-miler that reminded me how much I need to work on my climbing. Week 3 involved a train ride to Anaheim with an 80-mile ride back to San Diego. Mostly flat, but with a few hills thrown in to remind me again how much I need to work on my climbing. Notice a pattern? Today was our easy week...track at the velodrome.

Riding a bike with no brakes and no gears on a banked oval with lines here and there and many rules was a little (ok, a lot) scary. But, I did it and had such a great time! No crashes, either. Phew! My legs were soooo sore, though. I really have been working on the climbing. Riding to work (Texas street is still kicking my butt!) and then did Rachel's "Independence Century" on Friday and the Great Western Loop on Sat. After the clinic this a.m., rode to the cove for a swim and that helped the legs a lot.

As far as the contest, no one has been eliminated yet, although it looks like about 9 of the original 30 have dropped out on their own. The first elimination will be on July 14, 2009 and all but 15 will be dropped. The person who gets the most votes on the radio website will get immunity. for me!!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me!!

I'm so excited about doing this ride! I'd love to win the contest, but am also trying to raise money for CAF. If you’d like to make a donation and support me in my efforts, please visit my fundraising page: Also, if you have creative fundraising ideas or a lead on a potential corporate sponsor, please let me know.

If you’re interested in doing the ride yourself, there are still a few spots open! To learn more or to register, visit the QMDC page:

Thanks for your help and support!!!

1 comment:

  1. Foarte interesat subiectul postat de tine, m-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazu am sa mai revin cu siguranta.
    O zi buna!
