Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Next Elimination: Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The next big elimination is just around the corner. Five more contestants will be eliminated, narrowing the field to 10. We will have a chance to win immunity this Sunday, but won't know what that involves until then. I'll be excited to unveil the newly transformed immunity pump, but hope to be able to hang on to it another week.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Palomar - 26 Miles, 4400' Elevation

Seemed to be a smaller group today. It was already hot just standing there in the Harrah's Rincon parking lot at 7 a.m. We broke into the usual groups to get started with the idea that we'd each ride at our own pace up the mountain. I did surprisingly well, all things considered. Maybe the extra rest from not being able to ride while out of town last week did me some good today.

Aside from some seriously achy hands from death-grip braking on the way down, and a few startling motorcycle encounters, the ride was awesome. Beautiful view, decent amount of shade, excellent SAG (from b-day girl, Tina). All in all, another great ride!

Except...back in the parking lot at the end of the ride, I found out that the guy in front of me on the descent had actually been bumped by a motorcycle rider and had a nasty looking swollen ankle as a result. Amazingly, he'd managed to stay on the bike and was able to make it back to the casino before wisely leaving to visit the doctor.

If that wasn't bad enough, fellow radio contestant, Alex, apparently got a flat on his way down the mountain and crashed badly at about 35 mph. Major road rash, bruised ribs and maybe a broken collar bone. Check out his blog for the gory details. I didn't see him, but he seemed in good spirits (at least through email) and said he'd be ready for the big ride in October. Heal fast, Alex!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

San Clemente - 86 miles

Sunday's ride was all the sweeter for a couple of reasons. First, I got the immunity pump and will get to keep it until the next elimination on August 5. Second, I'd thought I was going to have to miss or cut the ride short due to work committments. But...I was able to shuffle flights and was able stick around for the whole thing.

Joining us on our ride were CAF athletes Scout Bassett and Travis. Before the ride started, they both explained how CAF has changed their lives and made it possible for them to continue to be involved in athletics despite significant physical challenges. Their thanks were clearly heartfelt and a reminder of the good work this organization is doing.

I rode with group 3 and we had the Mikes (Mike Henderson, Col. Mike and Dr. Mike) as ride leaders. Unfortunately, my left cleat is beyond the point of no return and kept coming out at inopportune moments, such as that steep little climb just before hitting the base in Oceanside.

Once we got on base, we split into 2 groups. I went with the first group and began regretting it right away. I wasn't sure if I was just having an "off" day or if that group was moving particularly fast, but I was seriously struggling to keep up. After dropping my chain on the first real climb, I gave up the fight, knowing I had many miles ahead. But then another (non-QMDC) group came along and I jumped in with them and caught up to the original group, who had stopped to help someone in group 1/2 with a flat. I don't know what I was thinking, because as soon as they got going, the struggle was on again. I was clearly lagging by the time we got to the sag stop. I thought I'd be able to keep up once we were on the flat of the emergency runway and rushed through the stop to be able to start with them, but quickly fell behind again. On top of that, I realized I'd forgotten to refill my water bottles at the stop. Feeling defeated, I turned around and headed back to the sag stop to refill and catch the second batch of group 3 riders. Embarrassingly, I actually had a bit of a pity party on my way back...viewing it something like the "ride of shame." When a rider from group 1/2 caught up to me on his way back (he had overdone it the night before and had decided to cut the ride short) and asked why I was going the wrong way, a couple tears escaped. Silly, I know. It was really easy to snap out of it and get perspective when I saw Fred rolling up on his hand cycle.

After doing a better job of refueling, I took off with Group 3 part deux and had a fabulous ride. My favorite part was the rolly rollers in San Clemente, though it would have been even better had I been able to jump out of the saddle without worrying about whether or not my cleat was going to disengage. At the turnaround, I think Col. Mike and I may have talked someone into joining the QMDC event. I'll be curious to see whether or not he shows up next week.

I dropped my chain again on that same darned hill on the way back. This time, it took a while, but I was able to catch back up. Ah, the tiny victories.

All in all, it was another great ride and was definitely a big help in allowing me to sleep on the red-eye flight I took to PA.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thanks so much to all who made it possible for me to win immunity!!! That means I've made it through the first big elimination and will get to duke it out...hopefully to the end...with 14 other contestants. there won't really be any "duking." No Jerry Springer here, k? In fact, I've really never met a bunch of nicer, more supportive people.

Congratulations to all who made it through!! And to those who didn't make it (especially Ofelia), I sincerely hope you continue to ride with us and maybe even raise some $$ for CAF to do the big ride the "regular" way. =)


Monday, July 13, 2009

Voting Closed...Thanks Everyone!!!!

Whatever the outcome tomorrow, I feel so lucky to have gotten such a warm, supportive response from so many. Thanks a ton to everyone who took the time to vote or donated or had an encouraging word!!

Tune in to the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio tomorrow between 6:30-6:45 to hear how it turns out.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Please vote for me!

Only one day left to vote for one contestant to get immunity from elimination in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge! I hope you will vote for me!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me, Pick me!! =)

Results will be announced live on the Scott & BR show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio Tuesday, July 14 around 6:30 a.m. All but 15 contestants will be dropped. Tune in to see what happens!

Thanks so much for your support!!

Del Dios/395/Bonsall Loop - 67 miles

Another epic ride today. It started off with Mike Henderson giving us a bit of insight into the mysterious elimination process of Scott & BR's cycling challenge contest, but not enough to make any of us contestents feel super confident about our chances of making it through the first elimination. The results will be announced live on the air around 6:30 a.m. on xx1090 AM Sports Radio. I hope you voted to give me immunity!

We were joined by the famous John Howard today. Unfortunately, he is a little faster than me, so I didn't really get a chance to talk to this cycling legend. It was cool to be in the presence of greatness, though, if only at the start. ;-) Fred and Dale were also on the ride, doing the 67 miles using handcycles. Amazing.

Speaking of being in the presence of greatness, our fabulous coach (and olympic silver medalist) Mari Holden rode with our group (group 3) today. I got to ask her about a couple of things I've been wondering about:

First, when climbing, should you pull on the handlebars to get leverage or keep your upper body relaxed? Mari says you should keep your upper body relaxed unless you're out of the saddle...then you can use some arm strength.

Second, when you're descending in a pack, is it ok to jump ahead to gain momentum for the next climb or should you stay within the pack? Mari says, it's definately ok to jump ahead... just realize that you'll be on your own (in the wind) for the climb unless you can find the wheel of someone else who wants to jump, too.

Thanks, Mari! I hope someone has a picture of Mari riding with Mr. B, her lucky little doggie who gets to ride in Mari's backpack. Soooo cute!

On another note, looks like the hill training is starting to pay off. It was a little easier to hang with the group on the hills this time. Guess I'm on the right track there.

All in all, a fun ride with NO flats in our group! Yay!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vote for Me!

Just a reminder....the first elimination in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge will be on July 14, 2009 and all but 15 contestants will be dropped. The person who gets the most votes on the radio website will get immunity. for me!!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Muscle and Fat

fat vs. muscle
What a great visual! As part of this journey, my goal is to get back to pre-back surgery weight and strength. I plan to trade in the equivalent of two of these 5-lb fat globs for two 5-lb muscle chunks. And to get rid of one 5-lb fat glob all together. Tragic that we can gain fat cells but can never actually get rid of them. Anyway, this is one strategy I have to become a better climber. And fit into my clothes.

I'm going to get back to tracking nutrition, exercise and measurements on The site has an amazing amount of functionality for the price...FREE! Seems like the guy who started it, Chris Downie, is a seriously good egg...motivated by a desire to help people reach their health goals. Thanks, Chris!

About me

I quit smoking almost five years ago. Most people think I'm joking when I tell them I was a heavy smoker for 15 years. Quitting was hands down the hardest thing I've ever accomplished. Exercise helped! Even though I'd been advised by doctors that I'd never be able to do any serious running, I began training for a half marathon to avoid the post-quit weight gain. I never expected to actually do the race, but I did! It was REALLY hard and it was GREAT! And I was hooked. And since then I've found out I can do a LOT of things I never thought I could do (like triathlon and marathon) and my life has changed for the better in almost every way. If only I'd known this "secret" long ago! Completing QMDC is my newest challenge. By hook or by crook...mark my words...I'll be riding down the coast come October. And I'll be feeling proud that I was able to do some good along the way...letting others in on the "secret" and helping make sure *every* *body* gets the chance to experience it, too.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The journey of 620 miles begins with a single step...and a lot of training.

Somehow I was lucky enough to be picked to take part in the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge to win a spot in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge (QMDC). QMDC is a 7-day bike ride from San Francisco to San Diego with a goal of raising funds and awareness for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). The idea is to have each of 100 riders raise $10K. That's a million bucks that will go to help veterans and first responders wounded in the line of duty as well as other folks with a variety of disabilities get the equipment and support they need to live active lifestyles. Yep, we all have challenges we need to overcome to be active, fit and healthy. Want some inspiration to overcome those challenges? Check out the stories of some of the athletes who have benefitted from CAF.

Anyway, many people have asked me to keep them posted on how things are going with the contest and I figured this would be a good way to do it. To summarize what's happened to date, we just had our fourth weekly group workout today. Week 1 was a 40-mile easy coast ride. Week 2 was a hilly 60-miler that reminded me how much I need to work on my climbing. Week 3 involved a train ride to Anaheim with an 80-mile ride back to San Diego. Mostly flat, but with a few hills thrown in to remind me again how much I need to work on my climbing. Notice a pattern? Today was our easy week...track at the velodrome.

Riding a bike with no brakes and no gears on a banked oval with lines here and there and many rules was a little (ok, a lot) scary. But, I did it and had such a great time! No crashes, either. Phew! My legs were soooo sore, though. I really have been working on the climbing. Riding to work (Texas street is still kicking my butt!) and then did Rachel's "Independence Century" on Friday and the Great Western Loop on Sat. After the clinic this a.m., rode to the cove for a swim and that helped the legs a lot.

As far as the contest, no one has been eliminated yet, although it looks like about 9 of the original 30 have dropped out on their own. The first elimination will be on July 14, 2009 and all but 15 will be dropped. The person who gets the most votes on the radio website will get immunity. for me!!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me!!

I'm so excited about doing this ride! I'd love to win the contest, but am also trying to raise money for CAF. If you’d like to make a donation and support me in my efforts, please visit my fundraising page: Also, if you have creative fundraising ideas or a lead on a potential corporate sponsor, please let me know.

If you’re interested in doing the ride yourself, there are still a few spots open! To learn more or to register, visit the QMDC page:

Thanks for your help and support!!!