Sunday, July 26, 2009

Palomar - 26 Miles, 4400' Elevation

Seemed to be a smaller group today. It was already hot just standing there in the Harrah's Rincon parking lot at 7 a.m. We broke into the usual groups to get started with the idea that we'd each ride at our own pace up the mountain. I did surprisingly well, all things considered. Maybe the extra rest from not being able to ride while out of town last week did me some good today.

Aside from some seriously achy hands from death-grip braking on the way down, and a few startling motorcycle encounters, the ride was awesome. Beautiful view, decent amount of shade, excellent SAG (from b-day girl, Tina). All in all, another great ride!

Except...back in the parking lot at the end of the ride, I found out that the guy in front of me on the descent had actually been bumped by a motorcycle rider and had a nasty looking swollen ankle as a result. Amazingly, he'd managed to stay on the bike and was able to make it back to the casino before wisely leaving to visit the doctor.

If that wasn't bad enough, fellow radio contestant, Alex, apparently got a flat on his way down the mountain and crashed badly at about 35 mph. Major road rash, bruised ribs and maybe a broken collar bone. Check out his blog for the gory details. I didn't see him, but he seemed in good spirits (at least through email) and said he'd be ready for the big ride in October. Heal fast, Alex!

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