Monday, July 6, 2009

About me

I quit smoking almost five years ago. Most people think I'm joking when I tell them I was a heavy smoker for 15 years. Quitting was hands down the hardest thing I've ever accomplished. Exercise helped! Even though I'd been advised by doctors that I'd never be able to do any serious running, I began training for a half marathon to avoid the post-quit weight gain. I never expected to actually do the race, but I did! It was REALLY hard and it was GREAT! And I was hooked. And since then I've found out I can do a LOT of things I never thought I could do (like triathlon and marathon) and my life has changed for the better in almost every way. If only I'd known this "secret" long ago! Completing QMDC is my newest challenge. By hook or by crook...mark my words...I'll be riding down the coast come October. And I'll be feeling proud that I was able to do some good along the way...letting others in on the "secret" and helping make sure *every* *body* gets the chance to experience it, too.

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