Thursday, July 23, 2009

San Clemente - 86 miles

Sunday's ride was all the sweeter for a couple of reasons. First, I got the immunity pump and will get to keep it until the next elimination on August 5. Second, I'd thought I was going to have to miss or cut the ride short due to work committments. But...I was able to shuffle flights and was able stick around for the whole thing.

Joining us on our ride were CAF athletes Scout Bassett and Travis. Before the ride started, they both explained how CAF has changed their lives and made it possible for them to continue to be involved in athletics despite significant physical challenges. Their thanks were clearly heartfelt and a reminder of the good work this organization is doing.

I rode with group 3 and we had the Mikes (Mike Henderson, Col. Mike and Dr. Mike) as ride leaders. Unfortunately, my left cleat is beyond the point of no return and kept coming out at inopportune moments, such as that steep little climb just before hitting the base in Oceanside.

Once we got on base, we split into 2 groups. I went with the first group and began regretting it right away. I wasn't sure if I was just having an "off" day or if that group was moving particularly fast, but I was seriously struggling to keep up. After dropping my chain on the first real climb, I gave up the fight, knowing I had many miles ahead. But then another (non-QMDC) group came along and I jumped in with them and caught up to the original group, who had stopped to help someone in group 1/2 with a flat. I don't know what I was thinking, because as soon as they got going, the struggle was on again. I was clearly lagging by the time we got to the sag stop. I thought I'd be able to keep up once we were on the flat of the emergency runway and rushed through the stop to be able to start with them, but quickly fell behind again. On top of that, I realized I'd forgotten to refill my water bottles at the stop. Feeling defeated, I turned around and headed back to the sag stop to refill and catch the second batch of group 3 riders. Embarrassingly, I actually had a bit of a pity party on my way back...viewing it something like the "ride of shame." When a rider from group 1/2 caught up to me on his way back (he had overdone it the night before and had decided to cut the ride short) and asked why I was going the wrong way, a couple tears escaped. Silly, I know. It was really easy to snap out of it and get perspective when I saw Fred rolling up on his hand cycle.

After doing a better job of refueling, I took off with Group 3 part deux and had a fabulous ride. My favorite part was the rolly rollers in San Clemente, though it would have been even better had I been able to jump out of the saddle without worrying about whether or not my cleat was going to disengage. At the turnaround, I think Col. Mike and I may have talked someone into joining the QMDC event. I'll be curious to see whether or not he shows up next week.

I dropped my chain again on that same darned hill on the way back. This time, it took a while, but I was able to catch back up. Ah, the tiny victories.

All in all, it was another great ride and was definitely a big help in allowing me to sleep on the red-eye flight I took to PA.

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