Friday, September 18, 2009

A Banner Day: Naked Swimming

ay two of the xx1090 AM Sports Radio banner campaign, part of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge to win a spot to ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. Got to the La Jolla Cove around 5:45 a.m. and decked the place out in xx1090 fare.

Then my swim pals showed up and things got more interesting. Thanks for bringing the waterproof camera, Jiea! What a fun morning!

Banners were gone by the time we were done swimming but the pics will live on in cyberspace FOREVER. =)


  1. I was there - complete with my mask and snorkel to "escort" them back - but alas - couldn't tell who was who - as they had again donned swim gear upon their return.

    Tom in SD

  2. BTW - could you be nice enough to send me the pic your friend took of us - when I was wearing the mask and snorkiel. Thanks.

    Tom @
