Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank You!!!

Thanks to all who made it out last Friday to the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF)! I hope you had fun!

I'm still waiting on the final numbers, but we were able to raise over $8K for CAF! Awesome!!

Tremendous thanks to all the donors--especially my mom and Joannie at, Kelly Flores at Unbeatable Travel, Claudette at the La Jolla Brewhouse, and many, MANY others--who so generously provided items for the goody bags, silent auction and raffle. I got a TON of positive comments on the number, variety and quality of items we had available and that translated to $$ for CAF!

To the Scott & BR Cycling Team crew--Joe (and Danielle!), Adam, Brian, Pat, Mark, Rob, Mike and Alex--special thanks for your amazing help and support...I couldn't have done it without you!

Big, fat thanks as well to James Delliquanti, our fabulous emcee who helped make the singles auction so fun and successful! And to all the singles who agreed to allow me to auction them off--Romina, Rand, Sara, Brendan, Molly, Tom, Elaine, Peter, Bekah, Rick and Ruthy--thank you! You were all absolutely fantastic!

And last--but certainly not least--thanks to Scott Richardson for the terrific job of managing the huge task of manning the door. You did an amazing job under trying circumstances and I really appreciate it!

Now that I can breathe again, time to catch up on training and blogging. =)

Thanks again and stay tuned.....One more contestant will be eliminated from the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge on Wednesday and the winner will be announced the following week!

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