Sunday, September 27, 2009

San Clemente - 86 miles

We were supposed to do the crazy Oceanside Ranger Twist ride today but coach Mari decided it would be better to do a coastal ride instead due to the forecast of extremely high inland temperatures.

I was not feeling well at all this morning. Planning and organizing the Brew Bash took its toll on me for sure, and the many sleepless nights coupled with a period of not eating or exercising properly finally caught up with me.

Yesterday I wasn't even sure I'd make it to the ride today. I made it to Adam's poker ride, but had misunderstood my role in helping out and neglected to bring my bike. Maybe that was a good thing because I know I would have ridden even if I was sick and that might have just prolonged the whole thing.

BTW, Adam did an outstanding job with the ride and was able to raise a quick $500+ for the Challenged Athletes Foundation! Way to go, Adam! We're still waiting to hear how we did with the Rubio's fundraiser.

Anyway, I was so out of it yesterday that I accidentally took Alex's key--which he had given me to hold on to--home with me from the poker ride. Not even realizing I had his key, I turned off my phone and went to bed. Hours later, my dog started crazy barking and I got up to see what was going on only to find Adam and Alex at my back door looking for his key. Oops! Sorry, Alex. =(

I rode with group 4 today and was happy I'd made that decision when I realized that--not only was I not feeling well-- but my legs were also not being very cooperative. The ride itself was still fun, though. This was the first time I'd ridden with group 4 and it was particularly cool because I got to both meet a bunch of new people and also hang with many of the radio guys--Adam, Brian, Mark, and Pat. Unfortunately, while I'd been looking forward to finally riding with Hooter, he was also sick this morning and turned back early.

Next week, I'll miss a Sunday ride for the first time since training began. I'll be doing the L.A. triathlon (despite my abysmal training for it), then riding back the 123 miles to make up for the missed Sunday ride. Should be fun but I'll miss my Sunday QMDC riding crew.

And then there's the business of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge contest. Did I mention there are only three of us left? Adam, Alex and myself. One of us will get the boot on Wednesday, and the winner will be announced the following week. We have no idea what is ahead of us so stay tuned and I'll keep you updated as I learn more.

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