Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Western Loop - 40 miles, 3228'

The Great Western Loop is known to be a tough ride with lots of climbing packed into a relatively short distance. I have to say, though...after back-to-back centuries last week, the ride this week was a piece of cake. We were done by 10:30...even with several stops along the way! That was perfect because it gave me just enough time to get out to the Triathlon Club of San Diego's 25th Anniversary party for some last-minute Brew Bash promotion. Both Adam and former contestant Mark Vandierendonck helped me get the word out. Thanks a bunch, guys!

The bedazzled and bedecked immunity pump is now at rest. After winning the immunity challenge last week, and to memorialize recent events, I added a few final items: a pair of goggles, some xx1090 banner, and a picture of my late sweet angel, Lulu. The pump has had an interesting journey that amazingly both started and ended with me. In between, it got to travel with Brian Brillo, Pat Thomas, and Adam Beck, each adding his own personal touches in turn. I think you will agree that the final result is in an amazing creation....or something. ;-)
Two of the final five contestants--Adam, Alex, Brian, Rob and myself--will get the boot this week. And none of us are safe. Tune in to the Scott & BR show on xx1090 around 6:45 a.m. to check it out. I'm really nervous but am trying to focus my attention on making final arrangements for the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation coming up in just a few days! Please come!

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