Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On With the Show...

My sweet Lulu has passed away. I miss her so much that my eyes are leaking. Yet the show must go on. Tomorrow morning around 6:45 a.m., I'll be on the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM. Adam is safe with immunity, but the rest of us--Alex, Brian, Joe, Rob and I--are all on chopping block. By 7 a.m., we will know our fates. I hope my angel Lu will be smiling down on me for luck.


  1. Hey Joy,

    I'm deeply sorry to hear about your loss. From what you shared with me, it sounds like your Baba-Lu was a great dog and a great friend. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.


  2. Joy,

    I was so very sorry to hear of the passing of Baba-Lu. Dogs are very special and when our first dog passed, Kiska, I felt as if there was a huge hole in my heart. But soon after, it was filled with Butternut and sooner after that Zeke. Hope you find a new friend.

    Mike H
