Sunday, August 30, 2009

Torrey Pines Time Trial

The other QMDC Team xx1090 contestants and I got to Fletcher Cove early again this week for our immunity challenge. Seemed simple enough...should we be fortunate enough to do the ride in October, name the seven cities we will stop in. I got the first one: San Francisco. I missed Santa Cruz, got Big Sur, missed Pismo Beach, got Santa Barbara, missed Marina del Rey and Newport Beach. Hmm....three out of seven is less than 50%. Not good.

Braniac Adam got them all and won immunity. That's a pretty big deal this week since two of us are going to get kicked out on Wednesday. We'll see what he does to"improve" the immunity pump for next week.

The ride this week was short and sweet. We did an easy ride to the base of Torrey Pines, then took turns time trialing up it. As you all know, I'm not much of a climber, but I think I did OK. The Team 1090 contestants missed the first week when the rest of the QMDC riders did the same time trial so we didn't have anything to compare to, but now we'll have a basis for comparison in the future. And that was it!

Back in the parking lot, the remaining Team 1090 riders discussed how the heck we're going to raise enough money so we can all do the ride. The motivation and ideas are definitely there!

I would have done some extra miles along the coast, but wanted to get back to my ailing doggie, Lulu. Got some good news from the vet. Her lipase levels are back down into the normal range, which means her pancreas is healing or has healed. Now her behavior just needs to catch up. Still not eating well nor acting herself, but I'm hopeful she'll be back to happy-go-lucky ways soon.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Still in It!

Did you hear that?! Yep, I'm still in it! Phew! Congrats to all who made it through! =)

Rob and Efrain, I'm so sorry. I really hope you'll continue the training and fundraising so we can all roll down the coast together.

Now I need to go tend to my baba-Lu. She must have felt my anxiety because she's not eating...which is an absolute first. =(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Contestants Eliminated Tomorrow

This just in: two people will get the boot tomorrow, Wednesday, between 6:15 and 6:45 a.m. This will be the beginning of a Team xx1090 massacre as two more will get the axe next week! As always, the announcements will be made on air during the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio.

I really don't want to see anyone go, but I sure as heck hope it's not me. Listen in and keep your fingers and toes crossed for me, please! =)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Circle R Vista Twist - 77 Miles

The xx1090 contestants got a few extra minutes of sleep this morning since there was no immunity challenge this week. Still, Pat brought the pump back with some new accoutrements: squeezy horn, license plate, and a lovely lizard forever frozen in place there on the base of the pump. I believe Wednesday is the big day when 2 of us will get tossed. =(

But let's not dwell on the negative. Instead, let's review today's splendid ride. =)

I'm happy to report that I successfully accomplished my goal for the ride: hang with group 2 (which turned out to be a combo group 1/2) until the first SAG at mile 24. It was mostly flat so everything went pretty smoothly until toward the end there. Some of the riders seemed to get antsy and really started pushing the pace. I was able to keep up with a push from Mike Henderson and a couple more from Mari. It was so fun flying up the coast in that big pack and I got to meet some new people I hadn't really had a chance to talk to before.

At the SAG, Lisa Jennings took the time to give me a few tips about more efficient climbing, gearing, and anticipating changes in the pack by looking ahead a couple riders. Where else could someone like me get tips from a National Champion?!

Having met my goal, I had time to chit chat with Tina and Mr. B while waiting for group 3 to arrive. And then we were off! And the climbing was on! Good call on switching to group 3 at that point!

Ride Leader Mike Hower and the group 3 xx1090 boys (and Joe, who rode with group 3 today even though he's a super speedster and can easily ride with group 1) should get extra credit for chivalry. While we stopped to regroup, an unfortunate lady was pulled over with a flat tire (on her car). Being the honorable and courteous gentlemen that they are, they of course changed that tire for her. Apparently, she also became quite well acquainted with the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Way to go, guys!

Back in the parking lot, we once again talked fundraising and a new pact was formed. Pat, Brian, Joe and myself have each agreed to raise at least $2500 for a minimum total of $10K. Whoever makes it furthest in the contest will get to use the money to do the ride. If one of the four of us wins the contest, the money passes to the next longest-lasting contestant, and so on.

On a similar note, the Brew Bash is coming together nicely. It is going to be a blast for sure, to be followed by yet another sure-to-be-a-hit event: Adam's "morning-after" Poker Run the next day. Be there!

My goal for next week's ride? Bring my camera!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework Submitted

Well, it's in....on time and one word under budget. 100 words is not very much! Here's what I came up with for our little assignment:

First game of the basketball season. Crunch! In a flash, everything changed. Three knee surgeries and rehab kept me sidelined for a year and in pain for many more. That was my first real experience with the torture of watching without being able to play, and that’s part of why CAF’s mission to get folks with physical challenges back in the game is so compelling to me.

The other part is…well, we all have challenges to overcome. Seeing CAF athletes in action is a humbling reminder to put the excuses aside and just get out there and do it!
Extra Credit: Regardless of how this contest turns out, it is truly an honor to have been given the opportunity to ride with Scott & BR's xx1090 team in support of the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

I have no idea what's next. Do we get graded? Lowest grade gets the boot? It's an enigma wrapped in a riddle shrouded in mystery. And only the man behind the curtain knows. Oh wait...that was something else. ;-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

“Brew Bash” Singles Auction Sneak Peak

Hey, ladies! Don’t miss your chance to win a date with Rick Kozlowski, owner and race director of KOZ Enterprises. This is going to be one extraordinary date!

Your date will include an entry to the All-Women's Triathlon held right here in San Diego. You’ll get VIP parking and a reserved spot in the transition area. (Anyone who’s raced knows what major perks these are!) After the race, you’ll enjoy lunch with Rick and his staff and have a chance to get all the inside scuttlebutt about the race.

But wait, that’s not all! You’ll also get a $100 gift certificate for a new swim suit at Paradowski's Swim & Sport. And, in case you’re still on the fence…how about a one-hour massage from Cassidy's Massage Clinic?

Yep, it can all be yours if YOU are the highest bidder on September 25 at the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Don’t miss it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Twist: Homework

Uht-ohhhh. Just got an email from Vikki, the QMDC event manager. The gist? Well, to paraphrase:

In 100 words or less, share your thoughts on being a part of the xx1090 contest and the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge based on your experience thus far. Homework is due Friday, August 21 by 10:00 a.m.

Oh, boy...this is going to be interesting. Stay tuned while I work on my assignment. =)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh the Suspense...Eliminations Postponed

Here's the latest: two people will get the boot on Wednesday, August 26 and two more will go a week later on September 2. As always, the announcements will be made on air during the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio. More details here as I get them....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scripps Poway Highland - 71 miles

Another great ride today! The radio team got there early for our immunity challenge: guess the number of calories in the container of gels. There were 8,000-and-some. Pat Thomas guessed the closest and will be safe from elimination this week. Congrats, Pat!

The ride up Scripps Poway seemed a little easier this time around. We did pretty well sticking together as a group up until the first sag stop. I just have to say...that had to be the best sag ever! We were treated like royalty. Fruit kabobs!!! Awesome! One person was filling my water bottle while another was handing me food while another was spraying me with sunscreen. And cheering on top of that! Need some lens cleaner for your sunglasses? Yep, they had that, too. They think of everything! Loved it!

We continued on up 67 and spread out a bit with the climb. Yes, I'm still working on my climbing. ;-) We were chit chatting away and soon enough were at Highland Valley, where I *assumed* we were supposed to turn. Ooops. I led a small pack of five on the wrong route! We were supposed to have done a loop off of 67 before reaching Highland Valley. Instead, we continued on and by the time we figured out what had happened we were almost at the next sag stop.

Got a nice tour of the Rancho Bernardo Community Park as we looked for the stop and wondered if we'd cut so much of the route that we'd somehow beat the sag team. Nope. If we'd gone a little further we would have seen them straight away. More fruit kabobs and sag love and our little pack of five was off again.

Everything was wonderful until....pfthfthfthfthththtssssssssst. My back tire blew. Took about two seconds to see the culprit...a two-inch nail had nicely implanted itself foot first in my apparently not-so-impenetrable kevlar reinforced tires. Good thing I'd just watched that tire changing video! Thankfully, I didn't have to rely on it completely because Pat and Randi rolled up and Pat finished off the job in short order. Thanks, Pat!

A few of us talked fundraising in the parking lot after the ride. It would be so great if each one of us in the contest could raise the $10K and be able to do the ride. I think we can do it if we all put our noses to the grindstone. Either way, the contest marches on. The next elimination will be on Wednesday and two of us will get the axe. I'll post more details when I have them. Keep your fingers crossed for me. =)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cycling Lingerie?

In case you missed the broadcast this morning, check the "HOUR BY HOUR" section (bottom left) of the new and improved Scott & BR Show page on the xx1090 AM Sports Radio station website, or download the mp3 files below:

8-13-09 - 6:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Mark V. and I are interviewed about 43 minutes in.

8-13-09 - 8:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Brian and Efrain are about 30 minutes in. Includes Scott Kaplan's commentary and picks. Who's his odds-on favorite? That's right...2:1 for yours truly! Ok, so he was just joking around, but hey...I'll take it!

Who knows...I could be the first female to win this thing...and it better not be for "cycling lingerie." ;-) Thanks for having us on, Scott & BR! You guys are the best. =)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

QMDC Team 1090 on the Air Thursday, 8/13

Tune in to xx1090 AM Sports Radio Thursday morning between 6 and 9 a.m. to learn more about the 10 remaining contestants in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge to win a spot in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. My nine teammates and I will be in the studio and live on air with Scott and BR. This contest is heating up! Don't miss the fun. =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Brew Bash" to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation

That's right! This is the one you don't want to miss!
  • Silent Auction (7-8:30 p.m.)
  • Raffle (9 p.m.)
  • Live Singles Auction (9:30 p.m.)
  • Goody Bags valued at over $100 (while supplies last)
  • Tasty beer
  • Great cause

When: 7 p.m., Friday, September 25, 2009

Where: La Jolla Brew House, 7536 Fay Ave., La Jolla, CA 92037 [Get directions.]

Why: Tax deductible fun, fun, fun--all for a great cause--the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Don't miss the silent auction and raffle where you can bid on or win a Spinergy wheel set, 2 nights at the Bahia Resort, an iPod Touch or Shuffle, rounds of golf, a chance to train with the pros, race entries, massage, coaching and training services, exercise equipment, bike fits, sunglasses by Oakley, Spy and Smith and much, MUCH more (over $10K worth)!!!

You are going to have to try VERY hard to leave this event empty handed. =)

Single? Stick around for the live singles auction and get your chance to date some of the most eligible singles in San Diego!

Your $20 entry fee includes a raffle ticket, goody bag valued at over $100 (while supplies last) and a complimentary house draft beer or soft drink.

Guarantee yourself a goody bag by buying your "tickets" in advance. Simply make a $20 donation to my fundraising page ( and your name will be placed on the Brew Bash guest list. A goody bag will be reserved* with your name on it! Otherwise, we'll be happy to take your money at the door. =)

And to top it off, live entertainment will be provided by the talented singer-songwriter (and fellow member of the xx1090 AM Scott & BR Cycling Team), Brian Brillo! Many of the other Scott & BR Cycling Team finalists will also be there, so you can meet them, too!

CAF is an amazing organization headquartered right here in San Diego that helps veterans and first responders wounded in the line of duty--along with others with physical disabilities--get the equipment and support they need to overcome barriers to physical activity and sport. Please attend and show your support!

Print a flier. Hang it up. Tell your friends. Everyone is invited!

Thanks and hope to see you on the 25th!

~Joy Muehlenbein

*Goody bags not picked up by 9 p.m. on 9/25/09 will be given to remaining guests in order of ticket purchase.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kitchen Creek, Pine Valley - 57 miles

The ride today was a blast! Beautiful views and lots of hard climbing rewarded with lots of super fun descending. I do love me a good downhill and we had some great ones today! The best part had to be hanging on Joe W's wheel. Seemed like we were flying...even up the hills! That was a new one for me. He's given me some great riding tips that have helped me a lot. Thanks, Joe!

Another highlight(?) was attempting to guess the creature that could have produced the Kitchen Creek. I thought for sure it had to be some monster from another planet. As we were about to pull into sag, though, a giant cow/steer/whatever-the-singular-of-cattle is was standing in the middle of the road. This circumstantial evidence led many to believe that this beast was the perpetrator. One rider, however, suggested that Group 1 could be responsible. (What the heck are those guys eating?!) I still think monsters are probably involved.

Before the ride, Scott Kaplan (of The Scott and BR Show) announced that the ten final contestants would be in the studio this Wednesday. Looking forward to getting more details there.

I didn't think it was possible, but Brian Brillo improved upon the immunity pump. The new handle(bars)--complete with pretty white streamers--are surely more ergonomically correct, providing improved leverage for your pumping pleasure. And they look awesome!

Mike Henderson mentioned that no one would be eliminated this week, but two people will get the boot the following week. Stay tuned!

Waiting to get final confirmation from the owner, but it looks like my big fundraising event will be at the La Jolla Brew House on Friday, September 25. Save the date! Silent auction, raffle, goody bags, cool people and a great cause! What more could you ask for? More details soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pendleton Sprint Triathlon

I missed the climbing clinic this morning because I was doing the Pendleton Sprint first time doing this race. I was a little concerned since I haven't been running much, but figured the short distance should be relatively easy. Ooops...little misjudgement there.

The swim: tough surf entry with a decent current (that I should have noticed from previous waves, but didn't until I was in it) and lots of sea schmutz.

The bike: With all the riding I've been doing, I was hoping for a pretty good bike leg. Unfortunately, my bike computer died, so pacing was a total guessing game and I had no idea of my speed. I also used the tri bike that's been sitting around collecting dust for the past year. The position must have been different enough to freak out my legs. My hamstrings were screaming the whole way. Didn't expect that!

The run: Now I fully understand why "brick" training is so popular. I've never raced without doing it...until now. It took me a good mile or more to "find my legs." Disappointingly, the asthma was kicking in despite having used the inhaler pre-race.

Overall, though, a fun race! You really can't beat the Pendleton cheering squad: "Keep it up, ma'am!" "Great job, ma'am!" "You're almost there, ma'am!" and so on. =)

I finished 16/42 in my age group...not great, but not too shabby, either, considering my lack of preparation. Definitely need to kick training into high gear for L.A.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

$500 from Novel Products, Inc...Thanks!

Novel Products, Inc
Wow! What a surprise! Thanks so much to Novel Products, Inc. for the generous donation!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Top 10 Finalists Announced....Congrats and Thanks!

And the top ten finalists in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge to ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge are:
Adam Beck from San Diego
Alex Hamlow from Oceanside
Brian Brillo from San Diego
Efrain Arvizu from Chula Vista
Joseph Weickgenant from Oceanside
Joy Muehlenbein from San Diego (That's me!)
Patrick Thomas from Poway
Rob Lindbloom from San Diego
Rob Millum from El Cajon
Mark Vandierendonck from San Diego

Congrats everyone!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Eliminations Now to be Announced August 5

A little update. The big elimination will be announced 6:15-6:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 5. Tune in to the Scott and BR show on xx1090 AM to learn who the final 10 will be. Hint....Brian Brillo will be one of them. ;-)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bye-bye Immunity!

Try as I might, I was not able to hold onto the immunity pump today. Instead, Brian Brillo, top scorer in this morning's quiz got to take home the pump I'd so painstakingly bedazzled. Impressive, though, no? (Yes, I do suffer from a certain degree of OCD. )

Then it was time for the clinic at Fitness Quest 10. I will have to look into going back to this place. The facility itself is impressive (and convenient) and Pat Jack sure seems to know what he's talking about and seems especially attuned to cyclists and triathletes. He says weight training can improve your cycling performance 25-40%. Definitely worth further investigation.

Afterwards, Mark, Joe and I went for a short 32-mile ride. They were kind enough to not leave me in the dust. Thanks, guys! Good times. =)