Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework Submitted

Well, it's in....on time and one word under budget. 100 words is not very much! Here's what I came up with for our little assignment:

First game of the basketball season. Crunch! In a flash, everything changed. Three knee surgeries and rehab kept me sidelined for a year and in pain for many more. That was my first real experience with the torture of watching without being able to play, and that’s part of why CAF’s mission to get folks with physical challenges back in the game is so compelling to me.

The other part is…well, we all have challenges to overcome. Seeing CAF athletes in action is a humbling reminder to put the excuses aside and just get out there and do it!
Extra Credit: Regardless of how this contest turns out, it is truly an honor to have been given the opportunity to ride with Scott & BR's xx1090 team in support of the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

I have no idea what's next. Do we get graded? Lowest grade gets the boot? It's an enigma wrapped in a riddle shrouded in mystery. And only the man behind the curtain knows. Oh wait...that was something else. ;-)

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