Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kitchen Creek, Pine Valley - 57 miles

The ride today was a blast! Beautiful views and lots of hard climbing rewarded with lots of super fun descending. I do love me a good downhill and we had some great ones today! The best part had to be hanging on Joe W's wheel. Seemed like we were flying...even up the hills! That was a new one for me. He's given me some great riding tips that have helped me a lot. Thanks, Joe!

Another highlight(?) was attempting to guess the creature that could have produced the Kitchen Creek. I thought for sure it had to be some monster from another planet. As we were about to pull into sag, though, a giant cow/steer/whatever-the-singular-of-cattle is was standing in the middle of the road. This circumstantial evidence led many to believe that this beast was the perpetrator. One rider, however, suggested that Group 1 could be responsible. (What the heck are those guys eating?!) I still think monsters are probably involved.

Before the ride, Scott Kaplan (of The Scott and BR Show) announced that the ten final contestants would be in the studio this Wednesday. Looking forward to getting more details there.

I didn't think it was possible, but Brian Brillo improved upon the immunity pump. The new handle(bars)--complete with pretty white streamers--are surely more ergonomically correct, providing improved leverage for your pumping pleasure. And they look awesome!

Mike Henderson mentioned that no one would be eliminated this week, but two people will get the boot the following week. Stay tuned!

Waiting to get final confirmation from the owner, but it looks like my big fundraising event will be at the La Jolla Brew House on Friday, September 25. Save the date! Silent auction, raffle, goody bags, cool people and a great cause! What more could you ask for? More details soon.

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