Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pendleton Sprint Triathlon

I missed the climbing clinic this morning because I was doing the Pendleton Sprint first time doing this race. I was a little concerned since I haven't been running much, but figured the short distance should be relatively easy. Ooops...little misjudgement there.

The swim: tough surf entry with a decent current (that I should have noticed from previous waves, but didn't until I was in it) and lots of sea schmutz.

The bike: With all the riding I've been doing, I was hoping for a pretty good bike leg. Unfortunately, my bike computer died, so pacing was a total guessing game and I had no idea of my speed. I also used the tri bike that's been sitting around collecting dust for the past year. The position must have been different enough to freak out my legs. My hamstrings were screaming the whole way. Didn't expect that!

The run: Now I fully understand why "brick" training is so popular. I've never raced without doing it...until now. It took me a good mile or more to "find my legs." Disappointingly, the asthma was kicking in despite having used the inhaler pre-race.

Overall, though, a fun race! You really can't beat the Pendleton cheering squad: "Keep it up, ma'am!" "Great job, ma'am!" "You're almost there, ma'am!" and so on. =)

I finished 16/42 in my age group...not great, but not too shabby, either, considering my lack of preparation. Definitely need to kick training into high gear for L.A.

1 comment:

  1. You are way to young to be a "ma mam".

    I had forgotten you did the tri yesterday and came out today. Nice. That's a hard weekend but it will get you ready for the back to back to back...rides coming down the coast.

    Mike Henderson
