Sunday, August 30, 2009

Torrey Pines Time Trial

The other QMDC Team xx1090 contestants and I got to Fletcher Cove early again this week for our immunity challenge. Seemed simple enough...should we be fortunate enough to do the ride in October, name the seven cities we will stop in. I got the first one: San Francisco. I missed Santa Cruz, got Big Sur, missed Pismo Beach, got Santa Barbara, missed Marina del Rey and Newport Beach. Hmm....three out of seven is less than 50%. Not good.

Braniac Adam got them all and won immunity. That's a pretty big deal this week since two of us are going to get kicked out on Wednesday. We'll see what he does to"improve" the immunity pump for next week.

The ride this week was short and sweet. We did an easy ride to the base of Torrey Pines, then took turns time trialing up it. As you all know, I'm not much of a climber, but I think I did OK. The Team 1090 contestants missed the first week when the rest of the QMDC riders did the same time trial so we didn't have anything to compare to, but now we'll have a basis for comparison in the future. And that was it!

Back in the parking lot, the remaining Team 1090 riders discussed how the heck we're going to raise enough money so we can all do the ride. The motivation and ideas are definitely there!

I would have done some extra miles along the coast, but wanted to get back to my ailing doggie, Lulu. Got some good news from the vet. Her lipase levels are back down into the normal range, which means her pancreas is healing or has healed. Now her behavior just needs to catch up. Still not eating well nor acting herself, but I'm hopeful she'll be back to happy-go-lucky ways soon.

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