Sunday, August 23, 2009

Circle R Vista Twist - 77 Miles

The xx1090 contestants got a few extra minutes of sleep this morning since there was no immunity challenge this week. Still, Pat brought the pump back with some new accoutrements: squeezy horn, license plate, and a lovely lizard forever frozen in place there on the base of the pump. I believe Wednesday is the big day when 2 of us will get tossed. =(

But let's not dwell on the negative. Instead, let's review today's splendid ride. =)

I'm happy to report that I successfully accomplished my goal for the ride: hang with group 2 (which turned out to be a combo group 1/2) until the first SAG at mile 24. It was mostly flat so everything went pretty smoothly until toward the end there. Some of the riders seemed to get antsy and really started pushing the pace. I was able to keep up with a push from Mike Henderson and a couple more from Mari. It was so fun flying up the coast in that big pack and I got to meet some new people I hadn't really had a chance to talk to before.

At the SAG, Lisa Jennings took the time to give me a few tips about more efficient climbing, gearing, and anticipating changes in the pack by looking ahead a couple riders. Where else could someone like me get tips from a National Champion?!

Having met my goal, I had time to chit chat with Tina and Mr. B while waiting for group 3 to arrive. And then we were off! And the climbing was on! Good call on switching to group 3 at that point!

Ride Leader Mike Hower and the group 3 xx1090 boys (and Joe, who rode with group 3 today even though he's a super speedster and can easily ride with group 1) should get extra credit for chivalry. While we stopped to regroup, an unfortunate lady was pulled over with a flat tire (on her car). Being the honorable and courteous gentlemen that they are, they of course changed that tire for her. Apparently, she also became quite well acquainted with the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Way to go, guys!

Back in the parking lot, we once again talked fundraising and a new pact was formed. Pat, Brian, Joe and myself have each agreed to raise at least $2500 for a minimum total of $10K. Whoever makes it furthest in the contest will get to use the money to do the ride. If one of the four of us wins the contest, the money passes to the next longest-lasting contestant, and so on.

On a similar note, the Brew Bash is coming together nicely. It is going to be a blast for sure, to be followed by yet another sure-to-be-a-hit event: Adam's "morning-after" Poker Run the next day. Be there!

My goal for next week's ride? Bring my camera!!

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