Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cycling Lingerie?

In case you missed the broadcast this morning, check the "HOUR BY HOUR" section (bottom left) of the new and improved Scott & BR Show page on the xx1090 AM Sports Radio station website, or download the mp3 files below:

8-13-09 - 6:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Mark V. and I are interviewed about 43 minutes in.

8-13-09 - 8:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Brian and Efrain are about 30 minutes in. Includes Scott Kaplan's commentary and picks. Who's his odds-on favorite? That's right...2:1 for yours truly! Ok, so he was just joking around, but hey...I'll take it!

Who knows...I could be the first female to win this thing...and it better not be for "cycling lingerie." ;-) Thanks for having us on, Scott & BR! You guys are the best. =)

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