Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And the winner is...

Adam Beck! Congrats, Adam! The selection criteria of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge were finally revealed this morning on the radio: the winner would be the person the judges felt would be best able to lead next year's group of contestants. Adam's the man for sure...Trek ride leader, cancer survivor, and all-around great guy--just like last year's winner!! I couldn't have tried any harder, but no way could I win against that! Oh well. I still get to do the ride along with six of my Team xx1090 buds and I'm going to savor every moment. =)

Thanks, Brian for this pic of the crew in the xx1090 studio:

Scott Kaplan, Mark, Alex, Mike (last year's winner and this year's fearless leader), Adam (Winner!), me, Brian, Joe and BR. Rob Millum couldn't make it, but will also join us on the ride. Yeeeeeehaw!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Winner Announced Tomorrow! And some final thoughts...

The time has finally come! The winner of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge will be announced tomorrow around 6:45 a.m. on xx1090 AM Sports Radio. Tune in or listen online here.

Win or lose, I'm truly grateful for the many opportunities this contest has afforded me.

While I'd been a CAF supporter and known about the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge for years, I would never have believed it possible to achieve the $10K minimum fundraising requirement to participate. The contest removed that initial intimidation and allowed me to meet some wonderful people I now count as friends, to get even more excited about doing the actual ride from San Francisco to San Diego, and to be inspired by some amazing people--some who benefit from--some who raise money for--(and some both)--the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

Teamwork among the Scott & BR contestants has been phenomenal--inspiring and effective. Each of us has worked hard and made many sacrifices to make it this far and I'm proud that we have been able to raise over $50K as a group. I myself am just shy of the $10K mark and feel sure that I will reach my $10K goal by the start of the ride on Oct. 17. And none of this would have happened without the contest!

The contest has also forced me to reconsider some pre-conceived notions about myself and to step out of my comfort zone in many, MANY areas. Knowing I was supporting something much bigger than myself allowed me to think "big," to overcome my aversion to asking for money, asking for help, accepting help. I was able to overcome my Facebook-a-phobia. I learned to blog. I spoke to large groups of people. I learned to not take rejection personally, and the pleasure of unexpected kindness and generosity. I learned that hard work and discipline are still rewarded and that sometimes the whole really IS greater than the sum of its parts. I was reminded of the joy of giving and the strange phenomenon where you get back what you give and then some. I learned that I AM strong...and not just physically. I can honestly say that I'm a better person as a result of this experience.

To this point, I've had experiences and gained friendships I'll treasure for a lifetime. A wonderful cake. The ride from San Francisco to San Diego will be the icing. I can't wait! And knowing that all of this supports folks with physical challenges getting back on track to an active lifestyle makes it all the sweeter...the cherry on top.

Sincere thanks to my teammates and friends: Adam, Alex, Brian, Joe, Rob M., Rob L., Mark, Pat, Ofelia, and Efrain; to our fearless leader Mike H. who has gone above and beyond time and again in helping us and CAF out in a variety of capacities; to all the folks from CAF...especially Vikki (please forgive me for all I've put you through!); to my mom, family and friends for your exceptional support throughout this journey; and last, but certainly not least, to Scott and BR and xx1090 for making the contest possible and for using the airwaves to spread the word about CAF and the good work they do.

Until tomorrow...over and out.

Revelation, Robbery, Rendezvous, Race and Ride in Review

Life has been hectic!

Last Wednesday, I left work feeling great! Doing the math on the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge contestants' fundraising efforts led me to the conclusion that with just a little more work, SEVEN of the finalists would be able to do the QMDC ride from San Francisco to San Diego. Amazing! The updated numbers show the extra work has paid off, so seven of us--Adam, Alex, Brian, Rob M., Brian, Joe, Mark and myself will ALL get to do the ride and I couldn't be happier about that.

My mood took a dive when I reached my car only to find the passenger-side window smashed and my GPS, bluetooth headset and--worst of all--my gym bag--all missing! Varmints!!! Arghh! With the L.A. Triathlon coming up on Sunday, I only had a couple days to replace things and the days ahead were booked solid. I managed to get what I needed in time so it all worked out about bad timing!

Thursday was the ride leaders' fundraising event: Rendezvous in the Ranch. I was lucky enough to have the winning bid on an original watercolor depicting the QMDC riders in Big Sur. I know it will be a wonderful memento of the trip that I'm so looking forward to. I also got to meet and talk to Floyd Llandis, who also happened to be helping out at the registration table. How cool is that?! A very fun evening with great food and great friends!

I missed my first QMDC training ride this past Sunday because I was racing in the L.A. Triathlon. Since I've been training with the QMDC group, I've neglected my swim and run training. I also decided to use my road bike (vs. time trial bike) because I figured it would be a lot more comfortable on the 123-mile ride home. Point is, I wasn't expecting fabulous results.

The morning of the race, we rode to the start in the dark. By the time we got there, the racks were already overflowing. We managed to squeeze in then went to check out the surf. Holy moly and some beans, that surf was HUGE. On my way back in from my warm up swim, I got tumbled several times and that made me pretty nervous. As my friend and I were standing there commiserating, a guy asked us how many times we'd been out. We didn't really understand what he meant at first, but it turns out he had tried to make it out past the surf through several wave starts and so far had not made it. Fear.

But, when the bullhorn blew, like lemmings, all of us in the all-age, all-female wave start took off for the water and somehow managed to find all the buoys and swim around them and make it back to land in one piece. Off with the wetsuit and on to the bike....

The bike is usually my weakest event of the three and, as usual, I got passed by quite a few folks flying past on their fancy, schmancy tri bikes with race wheels and carbon fiber everything. And then I noticed that my front tire was flat. Are you serious?! Guess I should consider myself lucky...this was the first time I'd ever gotten a flat during a race. It was only really mushy, though, not totally flat. So, I figured it was worth a shot to just try to fill it with air instead of changing out the tube. Amazingly it held enough air to get me through the rest of the bike leg. Yippeee!

The run had been my biggest area of concern, but it went WAY better than expected. I felt good immediately off the bike...which is just weird....and ran strong the whole way through (even up the killer hill you get to climb and descend not once, but twice! ).

All in all, a very fun race! Came in 11 out of 28 in my age group. All things considered, a great outcome!

The next morning, we got up early to start the 123-mile journey home. We'd gotten a ride out there by persuading our non-racing friend and founder of to be our Sherpa. He'd lugged most of our stuff back to San Diego for us (thanks, Kevin!), but we still had our stuff from the evening before and didn't really want to carry it on the bikes. So, we made a quick trip to the U.S. Postal Service and were super lucky to run into a non-conformist government worker who--after a round of charades through the window--was nice enough to give us some priority mail boxes so we could ship our stuff back to ourselves. (I can hardly wait to get it: Ohhhh, a package for me?! )

We rode along the coast as much as possible and it was really beautiful. Aside from some wind, the weather was perfect. Too bad my friend Elaine got stung by a bee. Her whole lip swelled up and she started getting dizzy. Not good. We stopped and rested awhile. She felt better (but still looked funny) and we just took it slow and made our way down the coast while making fun of her and reminding her that many women pay big bucks to get the bee-stung-lips look. She really appreciated that and told us so. =)

And This Just In
And that brings me close to current. I've just learned that the final seven contestants from the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge will all be in the xx1090 studio tomorrow around 6:30 a.m. for the big announcement....who is going to win this thing? Adam, Alex, or yours truly? More on that later...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday, Oct. 1: Rendezvous in the Ranch

Here's another great cycling-related event to help support the Challenged Athletes Foundation: Rendezvous in the Ranch

Thursday, Oct. 1, 6:30-10 p.m.
16135 Valle de Oro, Rancho Santa Fe
  • Gourmet Chocolate Tasting by Jers
  • Organic Burger Bar by O’Brothers Burgers (vegetarian options available)
  • Tasty Beverages
  • Silent Auction
  • Opportunity Drawing, Raffle Items and 50/50
  • Possible appearances by Floyd Landis and Chris Horner!

Silent auction from 6:30-8:30 with over $15K in items, including a week's stay in a Kona condo, a plethora of cycling items, bike fit by the legendary John Howard, velodrome classes and training, spa treatments, golf clubs and outings, wine baskets, and so much more.

Tickets are $40 for 1 and $70 for 2 and include drinks and catered dinner.

Children are welcome.

Please RSVP and purchase tickets online:

Hope to see you there!

Win a Guitar or BBQ Island AND Support CAF!

The Scott & BR Cycling Team has two more amazing opportunities for you to help support the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). 100% of proceeds will go directly to benefit CAF (!!

FIRST, Brian Brillo is holding an opportunity drawing for a Yamaha Acoustic-Electric Guitar (model AEX500N). The guitar is gently used but in excellent condition with new strings. Pictures here: Approximate value is $450. It comes complete with guitar strap and gig bag.

Tickets are $20 for 1 or $30 for 2. So far, under 30 tickets have been sold (yes, those are good odds!) and the winner will be announced TODAY, Thursday, October 1!

To get entered into the drawing, or for more information about the guitar, contact Brian at

SECOND, Adam Beck is holding a different opportunity drawing--this one for a custom, modular BBQ island! The value of the components alone is over $5,000, but you also get FREE delivery and custom installation (including tile) in the San Diego area.

Tickets are $30 for 1 or $50 for 2. A MAXIMUM of 300 tickets will be sold (so your odds are pretty good). The winner will be announced on Friday, October 9, 2009. View the poster for details:

To get entered into the drawing for the BBQ island, or for more information, please email Adam Beck at

On behalf of all of us on the Scott & BR Cycling Team, thank you for your support of the Challenged Athletes Foundation!!

October 17: Support wounded Navy Seal, Lt. Dan Cnossen!

[Excerpted from 9/24/09 email from Nikee Pomper]

Your support is needed on Saturday, October 17th!

There will be an Aquathlon and Evening Cocktail Fundraiser for wounded Navy Seal and local triathlete/Triathlon Club of San Diego (TCSD) member, Lt. Dan Cnossen.

Dan was severely wounded September 8th in Afghanistan. Within 36 hours of arriving in Afghanistan, Dan stepped on a landmine. He has suffered several injuries, including the loss of his legs from the knees down. He is in the hospital surrounded by friends and family, is stable and doing well.

Please go to his website ( for more information about Dan, his story, his recovery, and to donate.

To help Dan with his recovery, there will be a 2-part fundraiser on Saturday, October 17. First, an AQUATHLON at 9 a.m. at the La Jolla Shores (same location as the TCSD Aquathlons). The event will include a 500 meter swim and 5K run. All parts are optional! You can choose to do the swim only, run only, or swim and run. This will NOT be a timed event, just a fun event for all to get together, exercise and have a great time, just like Dan would want to do!!!

Then, later, an EVENING COCKTAIL PARTY. The location will be announced very soon, with the party to begin at 7 p.m. San Diego's up-and-coming singing stars, Trent Hancock ( and friends will be headlining. Several VIP's have donated gifts (personal training sessions with pro triathletes, spa services, triathlon gear, etc.) to auction off! It will be cocktail or bar attire--not black tie! More details soon!

Please come out to support Lt. Dan Cnossen! Get in a great workout at the Aquathlon, rest up and come out again at night. If you cannot do the Aquathlon, please still come to the evening fundraiser or visa versa!

ALL proceeds will go to Dan and his family to help support his recovery.

Please register online here:

On behalf of Dan and his family, thanks for your support!

Another elimination delay...

The judges must love us all so much they can't bear to see any one of us go! No one was eliminated! The final three--Adam, Alex and myself are still in it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One more whacked tomorrow...

Here we go again! It's down to three--Adam, Alex, and myself--and one of us will be eliminated fom the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge tomorrow at 6:45 a.m. Tune in to xx1090 AM Sports Radio, or just click here to listen in!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

San Clemente - 86 miles

We were supposed to do the crazy Oceanside Ranger Twist ride today but coach Mari decided it would be better to do a coastal ride instead due to the forecast of extremely high inland temperatures.

I was not feeling well at all this morning. Planning and organizing the Brew Bash took its toll on me for sure, and the many sleepless nights coupled with a period of not eating or exercising properly finally caught up with me.

Yesterday I wasn't even sure I'd make it to the ride today. I made it to Adam's poker ride, but had misunderstood my role in helping out and neglected to bring my bike. Maybe that was a good thing because I know I would have ridden even if I was sick and that might have just prolonged the whole thing.

BTW, Adam did an outstanding job with the ride and was able to raise a quick $500+ for the Challenged Athletes Foundation! Way to go, Adam! We're still waiting to hear how we did with the Rubio's fundraiser.

Anyway, I was so out of it yesterday that I accidentally took Alex's key--which he had given me to hold on to--home with me from the poker ride. Not even realizing I had his key, I turned off my phone and went to bed. Hours later, my dog started crazy barking and I got up to see what was going on only to find Adam and Alex at my back door looking for his key. Oops! Sorry, Alex. =(

I rode with group 4 today and was happy I'd made that decision when I realized that--not only was I not feeling well-- but my legs were also not being very cooperative. The ride itself was still fun, though. This was the first time I'd ridden with group 4 and it was particularly cool because I got to both meet a bunch of new people and also hang with many of the radio guys--Adam, Brian, Mark, and Pat. Unfortunately, while I'd been looking forward to finally riding with Hooter, he was also sick this morning and turned back early.

Next week, I'll miss a Sunday ride for the first time since training began. I'll be doing the L.A. triathlon (despite my abysmal training for it), then riding back the 123 miles to make up for the missed Sunday ride. Should be fun but I'll miss my Sunday QMDC riding crew.

And then there's the business of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge contest. Did I mention there are only three of us left? Adam, Alex and myself. One of us will get the boot on Wednesday, and the winner will be announced the following week. We have no idea what is ahead of us so stay tuned and I'll keep you updated as I learn more.

Thank You!!!

Thanks to all who made it out last Friday to the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF)! I hope you had fun!

I'm still waiting on the final numbers, but we were able to raise over $8K for CAF! Awesome!!

Tremendous thanks to all the donors--especially my mom and Joannie at, Kelly Flores at Unbeatable Travel, Claudette at the La Jolla Brewhouse, and many, MANY others--who so generously provided items for the goody bags, silent auction and raffle. I got a TON of positive comments on the number, variety and quality of items we had available and that translated to $$ for CAF!

To the Scott & BR Cycling Team crew--Joe (and Danielle!), Adam, Brian, Pat, Mark, Rob, Mike and Alex--special thanks for your amazing help and support...I couldn't have done it without you!

Big, fat thanks as well to James Delliquanti, our fabulous emcee who helped make the singles auction so fun and successful! And to all the singles who agreed to allow me to auction them off--Romina, Rand, Sara, Brendan, Molly, Tom, Elaine, Peter, Bekah, Rick and Ruthy--thank you! You were all absolutely fantastic!

And last--but certainly not least--thanks to Scott Richardson for the terrific job of managing the huge task of manning the door. You did an amazing job under trying circumstances and I really appreciate it!

Now that I can breathe again, time to catch up on training and blogging. =)

Thanks again and stay tuned.....One more contestant will be eliminated from the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge on Wednesday and the winner will be announced the following week!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

4 Guys, 4 Envelopes, 2 Spots: The Eliminations Continue...

That's right, sports fans! Even though I already know I'm safe, I think I'm probably about as nervous as the guys. I'll be heading in to the studio soon to see Scott & BR and have no idea what is ahead of me. For each of the four remaining guys, the contents of an envelope will reveal their fates. Sort of like a fortune cookie, but much scarier. ;-) Tune in to xx1090 AM (or listen online) this morning at 6:45 to find out what happens.

Then come celebrate with me and the other finalists who make it through (and help console those who don't) this Friday, 9/25 at the La Jolla Brew House. It's the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Final Three!!!!

I'm IN! Such a relief! Five for each of the remaining contestants, each with a declaration: in or out. Mine got opened: IN!!! But, Scott & BR ran out of time and now the poor boys will have to wait to hear their fates until tomorrow...same time, same place. Tune in to xx1090. I'll be on, too. =) Come celebrate with me this Friday, 9/25 at the La Jolla Brew House. It's the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Western Loop - 40 miles, 3228'

The Great Western Loop is known to be a tough ride with lots of climbing packed into a relatively short distance. I have to say, though...after back-to-back centuries last week, the ride this week was a piece of cake. We were done by 10:30...even with several stops along the way! That was perfect because it gave me just enough time to get out to the Triathlon Club of San Diego's 25th Anniversary party for some last-minute Brew Bash promotion. Both Adam and former contestant Mark Vandierendonck helped me get the word out. Thanks a bunch, guys!

The bedazzled and bedecked immunity pump is now at rest. After winning the immunity challenge last week, and to memorialize recent events, I added a few final items: a pair of goggles, some xx1090 banner, and a picture of my late sweet angel, Lulu. The pump has had an interesting journey that amazingly both started and ended with me. In between, it got to travel with Brian Brillo, Pat Thomas, and Adam Beck, each adding his own personal touches in turn. I think you will agree that the final result is in an amazing creation....or something. ;-)
Two of the final five contestants--Adam, Alex, Brian, Rob and myself--will get the boot this week. And none of us are safe. Tune in to the Scott & BR show on xx1090 around 6:45 a.m. to check it out. I'm really nervous but am trying to focus my attention on making final arrangements for the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation coming up in just a few days! Please come!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Banner Day: Naked Swimming

ay two of the xx1090 AM Sports Radio banner campaign, part of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge to win a spot to ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. Got to the La Jolla Cove around 5:45 a.m. and decked the place out in xx1090 fare.

Then my swim pals showed up and things got more interesting. Thanks for bringing the waterproof camera, Jiea! What a fun morning!

Banners were gone by the time we were done swimming but the pics will live on in cyberspace FOREVER. =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Commuting is Fun!

I hope they were beeping in support of me and not at me. =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Immunity kept me safe this week, but...surprise! No one was eliminated! So, while I thought I was assured a spot in the final four, I'm actually back in the same position I was in before I won the final five. I guess you never know what will happen in this contest. So, the playing field has been leveled again with no chance for immunity from here on out. And next week, TWO people will get the boot. Does anyone have a Tums?

Oh yeah, and our latest assignment? Do "something" with a roll of xx1090 signage by Friday at 9 a.m. and then call xx1090 and let them know where you are and what you did. Can I have an extra Tums for the road? ;-)

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Elimination Drama Tomorrow

It's that time again! Tune in to xx9100 AM Sports Radio tomorrow morning around 6:45. The five remaining contestants in the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge--including yours truly--will be live on the air. I am thankfully immune from elimination this week, but one of the boys will unfortunately be cut. Who will it be? Adam Beck? Alex Hamlow? Brian Brillo? Or Rob Millum?

One of us is going to win a spot to ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation and I hope it's going to be me!

Monday, September 14, 2009

2 days, 206 miles, and Immunity!

I am so excited and relieved. I won immunity! That means I'm in the final four and my chances of getting to do the QMDC ride from San Francisco to San Diego just got that much better. The challenge this week was to name the ride leaders. Good thing I'd had my coffee because I somehow managed to pull the most names out of my sleep-deprived brain to win it.

The ride up was great. I rode with group three as usual and we poked along the coast enjoying the perfect weather and comraderie. Loved the rolly rollers through San Clemente and made it through the bigger stuff through Laguna. Got to Palos Verdes and was amazed. I'd never been there before and it is absolutely beautiful.

Nestled in along the coast, the Terranea Resort where we stayed was elegant and impressive. It was nice to see everyone in their "normal people" clothes for a change. This was the first time I'd seen most of the the QMDC folks out of spandex, helmet and sunglasses. Some were easier to recognize than others. ;-) Over cocktails and dinner, we had the chance to mix and mingle with those we don't otherwise get to talk to on the road. I finally got to know David Lee. He is hilarious! And apparently very thoughtful and kind. (Thanks for the Carbo-Pro, David!) I shared a room with Julie Shapiro and it was fun getting to know her since we'd really never had a chance to talk before. Turns out we have some interesting things in common and had a lot to talk about. I was actually bummed we had to get sleep because I could have talked all night.

Anyway, the post-ride blog update is a little late this week because I was just flat out TIRED yesterday after the ride back from Palos Verdes. 103 miles out and 103 back the following day is a new distance record for me. Having completed it gives me a bit more confidence that, given the opportunity, I'd be able to handle the mileage on the big 620-mile ride.

The Brew Bash, my big CAF fundraiser, is less than two weeks away on Friday the 25th! So much to do and so little time. Hope to see YOU there!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Final Five!

Phew! Made it through one more week, but I feel terrible that Joe W. has been cut. He really is a great guy and has been so helpful to me personally. I hope he will be considered for a ride leader position for the QMDC...he would be perfect in that role.

Good thing this was on the radio. I look like hell. My eyes keep leaking evey time I think about my Lulu and this morning my face is a puffy mess. Thank God they didn't bring up my dog on the radio or I would have lost it for sure.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On With the Show...

My sweet Lulu has passed away. I miss her so much that my eyes are leaking. Yet the show must go on. Tomorrow morning around 6:45 a.m., I'll be on the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM. Adam is safe with immunity, but the rest of us--Alex, Brian, Joe, Rob and I--are all on chopping block. By 7 a.m., we will know our fates. I hope my angel Lu will be smiling down on me for luck.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Elfin Forest Loop - 40 Miles

Ah, the thrill of winning immunity...and the agony of deciding who to give it away to.

So, immunity this week was seemingly simple...literally, a luck of the draw. We each chose a water bottle out of a bag and one of the bottles contained the treasured immunity. Lucky me! As soon as I got the bottle, I could see something inside. Yippeee! And then the news...I get to pick one of my teammates to give immunity to. Oh torture. Who to pick?! I must have looked like a deer in headlights.

Mike (a.k.a. Col. Mike) Hower's suggestion was to use this as a fundraising opportunity. I laughed it off at the time, but looking back, that was a brilliant idea!

In reality, though, I gave it to Adam Beck since we've been working most closely together on fundraising. It didn't even occur to me at the time that he had just gotten immunity the previous week. I don't know how that slipped my mind, since we'd just finished oooing and ahhhing over his latest additions to the immunity pump...a lovely Incredible Hulk replica complete with CAF tatoos and coin slot for donations. Oh, and the break-in-case-of-emergency-type box containing a dose of testosterone. (Cancer survivors only, please.) Clever, that Adam.

But that was a tough decision! There are compelling reasons I could have or should have given it to the other four, too.'s done and Adam gets to add another touch or two to the pump for next week.

On to the ride. This one was a real treat because I hadn't been on Harmony Grove Rd. since they repaved it. Sooo much nicer! I loved this ride before and now it's even better! chain kept droppping and I got separated from the group a couple times. Col. Mike brought me back once, but then it happened again around San Elijo HIlls and I had some unlucky red lights that got me too far behind to catch up. I met up with Mark and Pat and...once again...I/we missed a turn and did a slight detour. We got an extra gnarly hill in, though, so we got our punishment...and I liked it. ;-)

Back in the parking lot, I was suprised to see Bob Babbitt--one of the founders of CAF, Competitor Magazine and the Muddy Buddy race series--along with Rudy Garcia Tolsen, Paralympic Gold medalist bound for the Ironman World Championship in Kona! Keep your eye out for this guy. If he achieves his goal on Oct. 10, he will be the first bilateral above-knee amputee to complete this event! Good luck, Rudy!

And then...some not so good news. With everything that's been going on in the last few issues, sick dog, craziness at work, training, fundraising, contest, etc., my mind has been less than the sharp, steely point of focus it might otherwise be. ;-)

I'm driving into my carport and...WHAM!!! My heart sunk lower than low when I realized I'd just driven in with my bike still on top. Just what I needed.

Actually, this could have been much worse. I've heard of people completely wrecking their bikes AND cars, so I guess I got off easy. It was pretty much a clean break of the seat post. No real damage that I could see to the car or the rest of the frame or components. Took it over to B&L and they luckily had some new seat posts (complete with fancy, schmancy infused gel for a smoooooth ride) in stock. Going to go pick it up right now.

Worse news...Lulu is not eating again. We will be back at the vet tomorrow so they can run some additional tests. Please send your most positive vibes to help her heal. =)

Next week? Back-to-back centuries! I'm so excited for this, but am concerned I may not be able to make it if Lulu doesn't improve soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thank You, Mystery Donor!

Someone just made a $100 donation to CAF on my behalf and I have no idea who it was. All I can say is....Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then there were six...

And I am one of them!!! Congrats to all who made it through: Adam Beck, Brian Brillo, Alex Hamlow, Rob Millum, and Joe Weickgenant! That was a nailbiter and bittersweet for sure. After giving comeback kid Alex Hamlow a good scare, Scott and BR announced that Pat Thomas and Mark Vandierendonck had been eliminated. I've been riding with these two fine gentlemen in group 3 since the beginning and we've become better and better friends over the many miles. Both of them are straight-up great people and I hate to see them eliminated. Fortunately, I fully expect them both to continue to do the training rides and hopefully we will all make it to the big ride in October.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

QMDC Team xx1090 Massacre, part Deux

Queue the Survivor theme music! Just got word that the eliminations are on for tomorrow morning...again. Two more Team 1090 contestants will get whacked and again...I'm hoping to avoid the chopping block. This just gets harder and harder. By now, we've all spent a lot of time together and have become friends. I really don't want to see anyone go.

Tune in to xx1090 AM tomorrow between 6:15 and 6:45 a.m to find out what happens....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Torrey Pines Time Trial

The other QMDC Team xx1090 contestants and I got to Fletcher Cove early again this week for our immunity challenge. Seemed simple enough...should we be fortunate enough to do the ride in October, name the seven cities we will stop in. I got the first one: San Francisco. I missed Santa Cruz, got Big Sur, missed Pismo Beach, got Santa Barbara, missed Marina del Rey and Newport Beach. Hmm....three out of seven is less than 50%. Not good.

Braniac Adam got them all and won immunity. That's a pretty big deal this week since two of us are going to get kicked out on Wednesday. We'll see what he does to"improve" the immunity pump for next week.

The ride this week was short and sweet. We did an easy ride to the base of Torrey Pines, then took turns time trialing up it. As you all know, I'm not much of a climber, but I think I did OK. The Team 1090 contestants missed the first week when the rest of the QMDC riders did the same time trial so we didn't have anything to compare to, but now we'll have a basis for comparison in the future. And that was it!

Back in the parking lot, the remaining Team 1090 riders discussed how the heck we're going to raise enough money so we can all do the ride. The motivation and ideas are definitely there!

I would have done some extra miles along the coast, but wanted to get back to my ailing doggie, Lulu. Got some good news from the vet. Her lipase levels are back down into the normal range, which means her pancreas is healing or has healed. Now her behavior just needs to catch up. Still not eating well nor acting herself, but I'm hopeful she'll be back to happy-go-lucky ways soon.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Still in It!

Did you hear that?! Yep, I'm still in it! Phew! Congrats to all who made it through! =)

Rob and Efrain, I'm so sorry. I really hope you'll continue the training and fundraising so we can all roll down the coast together.

Now I need to go tend to my baba-Lu. She must have felt my anxiety because she's not eating...which is an absolute first. =(

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Contestants Eliminated Tomorrow

This just in: two people will get the boot tomorrow, Wednesday, between 6:15 and 6:45 a.m. This will be the beginning of a Team xx1090 massacre as two more will get the axe next week! As always, the announcements will be made on air during the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio.

I really don't want to see anyone go, but I sure as heck hope it's not me. Listen in and keep your fingers and toes crossed for me, please! =)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Circle R Vista Twist - 77 Miles

The xx1090 contestants got a few extra minutes of sleep this morning since there was no immunity challenge this week. Still, Pat brought the pump back with some new accoutrements: squeezy horn, license plate, and a lovely lizard forever frozen in place there on the base of the pump. I believe Wednesday is the big day when 2 of us will get tossed. =(

But let's not dwell on the negative. Instead, let's review today's splendid ride. =)

I'm happy to report that I successfully accomplished my goal for the ride: hang with group 2 (which turned out to be a combo group 1/2) until the first SAG at mile 24. It was mostly flat so everything went pretty smoothly until toward the end there. Some of the riders seemed to get antsy and really started pushing the pace. I was able to keep up with a push from Mike Henderson and a couple more from Mari. It was so fun flying up the coast in that big pack and I got to meet some new people I hadn't really had a chance to talk to before.

At the SAG, Lisa Jennings took the time to give me a few tips about more efficient climbing, gearing, and anticipating changes in the pack by looking ahead a couple riders. Where else could someone like me get tips from a National Champion?!

Having met my goal, I had time to chit chat with Tina and Mr. B while waiting for group 3 to arrive. And then we were off! And the climbing was on! Good call on switching to group 3 at that point!

Ride Leader Mike Hower and the group 3 xx1090 boys (and Joe, who rode with group 3 today even though he's a super speedster and can easily ride with group 1) should get extra credit for chivalry. While we stopped to regroup, an unfortunate lady was pulled over with a flat tire (on her car). Being the honorable and courteous gentlemen that they are, they of course changed that tire for her. Apparently, she also became quite well acquainted with the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Way to go, guys!

Back in the parking lot, we once again talked fundraising and a new pact was formed. Pat, Brian, Joe and myself have each agreed to raise at least $2500 for a minimum total of $10K. Whoever makes it furthest in the contest will get to use the money to do the ride. If one of the four of us wins the contest, the money passes to the next longest-lasting contestant, and so on.

On a similar note, the Brew Bash is coming together nicely. It is going to be a blast for sure, to be followed by yet another sure-to-be-a-hit event: Adam's "morning-after" Poker Run the next day. Be there!

My goal for next week's ride? Bring my camera!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework Submitted

Well, it's in....on time and one word under budget. 100 words is not very much! Here's what I came up with for our little assignment:

First game of the basketball season. Crunch! In a flash, everything changed. Three knee surgeries and rehab kept me sidelined for a year and in pain for many more. That was my first real experience with the torture of watching without being able to play, and that’s part of why CAF’s mission to get folks with physical challenges back in the game is so compelling to me.

The other part is…well, we all have challenges to overcome. Seeing CAF athletes in action is a humbling reminder to put the excuses aside and just get out there and do it!
Extra Credit: Regardless of how this contest turns out, it is truly an honor to have been given the opportunity to ride with Scott & BR's xx1090 team in support of the Challenged Athletes Foundation.

I have no idea what's next. Do we get graded? Lowest grade gets the boot? It's an enigma wrapped in a riddle shrouded in mystery. And only the man behind the curtain knows. Oh wait...that was something else. ;-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

“Brew Bash” Singles Auction Sneak Peak

Hey, ladies! Don’t miss your chance to win a date with Rick Kozlowski, owner and race director of KOZ Enterprises. This is going to be one extraordinary date!

Your date will include an entry to the All-Women's Triathlon held right here in San Diego. You’ll get VIP parking and a reserved spot in the transition area. (Anyone who’s raced knows what major perks these are!) After the race, you’ll enjoy lunch with Rick and his staff and have a chance to get all the inside scuttlebutt about the race.

But wait, that’s not all! You’ll also get a $100 gift certificate for a new swim suit at Paradowski's Swim & Sport. And, in case you’re still on the fence…how about a one-hour massage from Cassidy's Massage Clinic?

Yep, it can all be yours if YOU are the highest bidder on September 25 at the Brew Bash to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Don’t miss it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Twist: Homework

Uht-ohhhh. Just got an email from Vikki, the QMDC event manager. The gist? Well, to paraphrase:

In 100 words or less, share your thoughts on being a part of the xx1090 contest and the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge based on your experience thus far. Homework is due Friday, August 21 by 10:00 a.m.

Oh, boy...this is going to be interesting. Stay tuned while I work on my assignment. =)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh the Suspense...Eliminations Postponed

Here's the latest: two people will get the boot on Wednesday, August 26 and two more will go a week later on September 2. As always, the announcements will be made on air during the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio. More details here as I get them....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scripps Poway Highland - 71 miles

Another great ride today! The radio team got there early for our immunity challenge: guess the number of calories in the container of gels. There were 8,000-and-some. Pat Thomas guessed the closest and will be safe from elimination this week. Congrats, Pat!

The ride up Scripps Poway seemed a little easier this time around. We did pretty well sticking together as a group up until the first sag stop. I just have to say...that had to be the best sag ever! We were treated like royalty. Fruit kabobs!!! Awesome! One person was filling my water bottle while another was handing me food while another was spraying me with sunscreen. And cheering on top of that! Need some lens cleaner for your sunglasses? Yep, they had that, too. They think of everything! Loved it!

We continued on up 67 and spread out a bit with the climb. Yes, I'm still working on my climbing. ;-) We were chit chatting away and soon enough were at Highland Valley, where I *assumed* we were supposed to turn. Ooops. I led a small pack of five on the wrong route! We were supposed to have done a loop off of 67 before reaching Highland Valley. Instead, we continued on and by the time we figured out what had happened we were almost at the next sag stop.

Got a nice tour of the Rancho Bernardo Community Park as we looked for the stop and wondered if we'd cut so much of the route that we'd somehow beat the sag team. Nope. If we'd gone a little further we would have seen them straight away. More fruit kabobs and sag love and our little pack of five was off again.

Everything was wonderful until....pfthfthfthfthththtssssssssst. My back tire blew. Took about two seconds to see the culprit...a two-inch nail had nicely implanted itself foot first in my apparently not-so-impenetrable kevlar reinforced tires. Good thing I'd just watched that tire changing video! Thankfully, I didn't have to rely on it completely because Pat and Randi rolled up and Pat finished off the job in short order. Thanks, Pat!

A few of us talked fundraising in the parking lot after the ride. It would be so great if each one of us in the contest could raise the $10K and be able to do the ride. I think we can do it if we all put our noses to the grindstone. Either way, the contest marches on. The next elimination will be on Wednesday and two of us will get the axe. I'll post more details when I have them. Keep your fingers crossed for me. =)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cycling Lingerie?

In case you missed the broadcast this morning, check the "HOUR BY HOUR" section (bottom left) of the new and improved Scott & BR Show page on the xx1090 AM Sports Radio station website, or download the mp3 files below:

8-13-09 - 6:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Mark V. and I are interviewed about 43 minutes in.

8-13-09 - 8:00 AM Hour [.mp3]: Brian and Efrain are about 30 minutes in. Includes Scott Kaplan's commentary and picks. Who's his odds-on favorite? That's right...2:1 for yours truly! Ok, so he was just joking around, but hey...I'll take it!

Who knows...I could be the first female to win this thing...and it better not be for "cycling lingerie." ;-) Thanks for having us on, Scott & BR! You guys are the best. =)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

QMDC Team 1090 on the Air Thursday, 8/13

Tune in to xx1090 AM Sports Radio Thursday morning between 6 and 9 a.m. to learn more about the 10 remaining contestants in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge to win a spot in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. My nine teammates and I will be in the studio and live on air with Scott and BR. This contest is heating up! Don't miss the fun. =)

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Brew Bash" to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation

That's right! This is the one you don't want to miss!
  • Silent Auction (7-8:30 p.m.)
  • Raffle (9 p.m.)
  • Live Singles Auction (9:30 p.m.)
  • Goody Bags valued at over $100 (while supplies last)
  • Tasty beer
  • Great cause

When: 7 p.m., Friday, September 25, 2009

Where: La Jolla Brew House, 7536 Fay Ave., La Jolla, CA 92037 [Get directions.]

Why: Tax deductible fun, fun, fun--all for a great cause--the Challenged Athletes Foundation!

Don't miss the silent auction and raffle where you can bid on or win a Spinergy wheel set, 2 nights at the Bahia Resort, an iPod Touch or Shuffle, rounds of golf, a chance to train with the pros, race entries, massage, coaching and training services, exercise equipment, bike fits, sunglasses by Oakley, Spy and Smith and much, MUCH more (over $10K worth)!!!

You are going to have to try VERY hard to leave this event empty handed. =)

Single? Stick around for the live singles auction and get your chance to date some of the most eligible singles in San Diego!

Your $20 entry fee includes a raffle ticket, goody bag valued at over $100 (while supplies last) and a complimentary house draft beer or soft drink.

Guarantee yourself a goody bag by buying your "tickets" in advance. Simply make a $20 donation to my fundraising page ( and your name will be placed on the Brew Bash guest list. A goody bag will be reserved* with your name on it! Otherwise, we'll be happy to take your money at the door. =)

And to top it off, live entertainment will be provided by the talented singer-songwriter (and fellow member of the xx1090 AM Scott & BR Cycling Team), Brian Brillo! Many of the other Scott & BR Cycling Team finalists will also be there, so you can meet them, too!

CAF is an amazing organization headquartered right here in San Diego that helps veterans and first responders wounded in the line of duty--along with others with physical disabilities--get the equipment and support they need to overcome barriers to physical activity and sport. Please attend and show your support!

Print a flier. Hang it up. Tell your friends. Everyone is invited!

Thanks and hope to see you on the 25th!

~Joy Muehlenbein

*Goody bags not picked up by 9 p.m. on 9/25/09 will be given to remaining guests in order of ticket purchase.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kitchen Creek, Pine Valley - 57 miles

The ride today was a blast! Beautiful views and lots of hard climbing rewarded with lots of super fun descending. I do love me a good downhill and we had some great ones today! The best part had to be hanging on Joe W's wheel. Seemed like we were flying...even up the hills! That was a new one for me. He's given me some great riding tips that have helped me a lot. Thanks, Joe!

Another highlight(?) was attempting to guess the creature that could have produced the Kitchen Creek. I thought for sure it had to be some monster from another planet. As we were about to pull into sag, though, a giant cow/steer/whatever-the-singular-of-cattle is was standing in the middle of the road. This circumstantial evidence led many to believe that this beast was the perpetrator. One rider, however, suggested that Group 1 could be responsible. (What the heck are those guys eating?!) I still think monsters are probably involved.

Before the ride, Scott Kaplan (of The Scott and BR Show) announced that the ten final contestants would be in the studio this Wednesday. Looking forward to getting more details there.

I didn't think it was possible, but Brian Brillo improved upon the immunity pump. The new handle(bars)--complete with pretty white streamers--are surely more ergonomically correct, providing improved leverage for your pumping pleasure. And they look awesome!

Mike Henderson mentioned that no one would be eliminated this week, but two people will get the boot the following week. Stay tuned!

Waiting to get final confirmation from the owner, but it looks like my big fundraising event will be at the La Jolla Brew House on Friday, September 25. Save the date! Silent auction, raffle, goody bags, cool people and a great cause! What more could you ask for? More details soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pendleton Sprint Triathlon

I missed the climbing clinic this morning because I was doing the Pendleton Sprint first time doing this race. I was a little concerned since I haven't been running much, but figured the short distance should be relatively easy. Ooops...little misjudgement there.

The swim: tough surf entry with a decent current (that I should have noticed from previous waves, but didn't until I was in it) and lots of sea schmutz.

The bike: With all the riding I've been doing, I was hoping for a pretty good bike leg. Unfortunately, my bike computer died, so pacing was a total guessing game and I had no idea of my speed. I also used the tri bike that's been sitting around collecting dust for the past year. The position must have been different enough to freak out my legs. My hamstrings were screaming the whole way. Didn't expect that!

The run: Now I fully understand why "brick" training is so popular. I've never raced without doing it...until now. It took me a good mile or more to "find my legs." Disappointingly, the asthma was kicking in despite having used the inhaler pre-race.

Overall, though, a fun race! You really can't beat the Pendleton cheering squad: "Keep it up, ma'am!" "Great job, ma'am!" "You're almost there, ma'am!" and so on. =)

I finished 16/42 in my age group...not great, but not too shabby, either, considering my lack of preparation. Definitely need to kick training into high gear for L.A.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

$500 from Novel Products, Inc...Thanks!

Novel Products, Inc
Wow! What a surprise! Thanks so much to Novel Products, Inc. for the generous donation!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Top 10 Finalists Announced....Congrats and Thanks!

And the top ten finalists in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge to ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge are:
Adam Beck from San Diego
Alex Hamlow from Oceanside
Brian Brillo from San Diego
Efrain Arvizu from Chula Vista
Joseph Weickgenant from Oceanside
Joy Muehlenbein from San Diego (That's me!)
Patrick Thomas from Poway
Rob Lindbloom from San Diego
Rob Millum from El Cajon
Mark Vandierendonck from San Diego

Congrats everyone!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Eliminations Now to be Announced August 5

A little update. The big elimination will be announced 6:15-6:45 a.m. on Wednesday, August 5. Tune in to the Scott and BR show on xx1090 AM to learn who the final 10 will be. Hint....Brian Brillo will be one of them. ;-)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bye-bye Immunity!

Try as I might, I was not able to hold onto the immunity pump today. Instead, Brian Brillo, top scorer in this morning's quiz got to take home the pump I'd so painstakingly bedazzled. Impressive, though, no? (Yes, I do suffer from a certain degree of OCD. )

Then it was time for the clinic at Fitness Quest 10. I will have to look into going back to this place. The facility itself is impressive (and convenient) and Pat Jack sure seems to know what he's talking about and seems especially attuned to cyclists and triathletes. He says weight training can improve your cycling performance 25-40%. Definitely worth further investigation.

Afterwards, Mark, Joe and I went for a short 32-mile ride. They were kind enough to not leave me in the dust. Thanks, guys! Good times. =)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Next Elimination: Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The next big elimination is just around the corner. Five more contestants will be eliminated, narrowing the field to 10. We will have a chance to win immunity this Sunday, but won't know what that involves until then. I'll be excited to unveil the newly transformed immunity pump, but hope to be able to hang on to it another week.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Palomar - 26 Miles, 4400' Elevation

Seemed to be a smaller group today. It was already hot just standing there in the Harrah's Rincon parking lot at 7 a.m. We broke into the usual groups to get started with the idea that we'd each ride at our own pace up the mountain. I did surprisingly well, all things considered. Maybe the extra rest from not being able to ride while out of town last week did me some good today.

Aside from some seriously achy hands from death-grip braking on the way down, and a few startling motorcycle encounters, the ride was awesome. Beautiful view, decent amount of shade, excellent SAG (from b-day girl, Tina). All in all, another great ride!

Except...back in the parking lot at the end of the ride, I found out that the guy in front of me on the descent had actually been bumped by a motorcycle rider and had a nasty looking swollen ankle as a result. Amazingly, he'd managed to stay on the bike and was able to make it back to the casino before wisely leaving to visit the doctor.

If that wasn't bad enough, fellow radio contestant, Alex, apparently got a flat on his way down the mountain and crashed badly at about 35 mph. Major road rash, bruised ribs and maybe a broken collar bone. Check out his blog for the gory details. I didn't see him, but he seemed in good spirits (at least through email) and said he'd be ready for the big ride in October. Heal fast, Alex!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

San Clemente - 86 miles

Sunday's ride was all the sweeter for a couple of reasons. First, I got the immunity pump and will get to keep it until the next elimination on August 5. Second, I'd thought I was going to have to miss or cut the ride short due to work committments. But...I was able to shuffle flights and was able stick around for the whole thing.

Joining us on our ride were CAF athletes Scout Bassett and Travis. Before the ride started, they both explained how CAF has changed their lives and made it possible for them to continue to be involved in athletics despite significant physical challenges. Their thanks were clearly heartfelt and a reminder of the good work this organization is doing.

I rode with group 3 and we had the Mikes (Mike Henderson, Col. Mike and Dr. Mike) as ride leaders. Unfortunately, my left cleat is beyond the point of no return and kept coming out at inopportune moments, such as that steep little climb just before hitting the base in Oceanside.

Once we got on base, we split into 2 groups. I went with the first group and began regretting it right away. I wasn't sure if I was just having an "off" day or if that group was moving particularly fast, but I was seriously struggling to keep up. After dropping my chain on the first real climb, I gave up the fight, knowing I had many miles ahead. But then another (non-QMDC) group came along and I jumped in with them and caught up to the original group, who had stopped to help someone in group 1/2 with a flat. I don't know what I was thinking, because as soon as they got going, the struggle was on again. I was clearly lagging by the time we got to the sag stop. I thought I'd be able to keep up once we were on the flat of the emergency runway and rushed through the stop to be able to start with them, but quickly fell behind again. On top of that, I realized I'd forgotten to refill my water bottles at the stop. Feeling defeated, I turned around and headed back to the sag stop to refill and catch the second batch of group 3 riders. Embarrassingly, I actually had a bit of a pity party on my way back...viewing it something like the "ride of shame." When a rider from group 1/2 caught up to me on his way back (he had overdone it the night before and had decided to cut the ride short) and asked why I was going the wrong way, a couple tears escaped. Silly, I know. It was really easy to snap out of it and get perspective when I saw Fred rolling up on his hand cycle.

After doing a better job of refueling, I took off with Group 3 part deux and had a fabulous ride. My favorite part was the rolly rollers in San Clemente, though it would have been even better had I been able to jump out of the saddle without worrying about whether or not my cleat was going to disengage. At the turnaround, I think Col. Mike and I may have talked someone into joining the QMDC event. I'll be curious to see whether or not he shows up next week.

I dropped my chain again on that same darned hill on the way back. This time, it took a while, but I was able to catch back up. Ah, the tiny victories.

All in all, it was another great ride and was definitely a big help in allowing me to sleep on the red-eye flight I took to PA.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thanks so much to all who made it possible for me to win immunity!!! That means I've made it through the first big elimination and will get to duke it out...hopefully to the end...with 14 other contestants. there won't really be any "duking." No Jerry Springer here, k? In fact, I've really never met a bunch of nicer, more supportive people.

Congratulations to all who made it through!! And to those who didn't make it (especially Ofelia), I sincerely hope you continue to ride with us and maybe even raise some $$ for CAF to do the big ride the "regular" way. =)


Monday, July 13, 2009

Voting Closed...Thanks Everyone!!!!

Whatever the outcome tomorrow, I feel so lucky to have gotten such a warm, supportive response from so many. Thanks a ton to everyone who took the time to vote or donated or had an encouraging word!!

Tune in to the Scott & BR Show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio tomorrow between 6:30-6:45 to hear how it turns out.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Please vote for me!

Only one day left to vote for one contestant to get immunity from elimination in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge! I hope you will vote for me!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me, Pick me!! =)

Results will be announced live on the Scott & BR show on xx1090 AM Sports Radio Tuesday, July 14 around 6:30 a.m. All but 15 contestants will be dropped. Tune in to see what happens!

Thanks so much for your support!!

Del Dios/395/Bonsall Loop - 67 miles

Another epic ride today. It started off with Mike Henderson giving us a bit of insight into the mysterious elimination process of Scott & BR's cycling challenge contest, but not enough to make any of us contestents feel super confident about our chances of making it through the first elimination. The results will be announced live on the air around 6:30 a.m. on xx1090 AM Sports Radio. I hope you voted to give me immunity!

We were joined by the famous John Howard today. Unfortunately, he is a little faster than me, so I didn't really get a chance to talk to this cycling legend. It was cool to be in the presence of greatness, though, if only at the start. ;-) Fred and Dale were also on the ride, doing the 67 miles using handcycles. Amazing.

Speaking of being in the presence of greatness, our fabulous coach (and olympic silver medalist) Mari Holden rode with our group (group 3) today. I got to ask her about a couple of things I've been wondering about:

First, when climbing, should you pull on the handlebars to get leverage or keep your upper body relaxed? Mari says you should keep your upper body relaxed unless you're out of the saddle...then you can use some arm strength.

Second, when you're descending in a pack, is it ok to jump ahead to gain momentum for the next climb or should you stay within the pack? Mari says, it's definately ok to jump ahead... just realize that you'll be on your own (in the wind) for the climb unless you can find the wheel of someone else who wants to jump, too.

Thanks, Mari! I hope someone has a picture of Mari riding with Mr. B, her lucky little doggie who gets to ride in Mari's backpack. Soooo cute!

On another note, looks like the hill training is starting to pay off. It was a little easier to hang with the group on the hills this time. Guess I'm on the right track there.

All in all, a fun ride with NO flats in our group! Yay!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vote for Me!

Just a reminder....the first elimination in Scott & BR's Cycling Challenge will be on July 14, 2009 and all but 15 contestants will be dropped. The person who gets the most votes on the radio website will get immunity. for me!!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Muscle and Fat

fat vs. muscle
What a great visual! As part of this journey, my goal is to get back to pre-back surgery weight and strength. I plan to trade in the equivalent of two of these 5-lb fat globs for two 5-lb muscle chunks. And to get rid of one 5-lb fat glob all together. Tragic that we can gain fat cells but can never actually get rid of them. Anyway, this is one strategy I have to become a better climber. And fit into my clothes.

I'm going to get back to tracking nutrition, exercise and measurements on The site has an amazing amount of functionality for the price...FREE! Seems like the guy who started it, Chris Downie, is a seriously good egg...motivated by a desire to help people reach their health goals. Thanks, Chris!

About me

I quit smoking almost five years ago. Most people think I'm joking when I tell them I was a heavy smoker for 15 years. Quitting was hands down the hardest thing I've ever accomplished. Exercise helped! Even though I'd been advised by doctors that I'd never be able to do any serious running, I began training for a half marathon to avoid the post-quit weight gain. I never expected to actually do the race, but I did! It was REALLY hard and it was GREAT! And I was hooked. And since then I've found out I can do a LOT of things I never thought I could do (like triathlon and marathon) and my life has changed for the better in almost every way. If only I'd known this "secret" long ago! Completing QMDC is my newest challenge. By hook or by crook...mark my words...I'll be riding down the coast come October. And I'll be feeling proud that I was able to do some good along the way...letting others in on the "secret" and helping make sure *every* *body* gets the chance to experience it, too.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The journey of 620 miles begins with a single step...and a lot of training.

Somehow I was lucky enough to be picked to take part in the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge to win a spot in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge (QMDC). QMDC is a 7-day bike ride from San Francisco to San Diego with a goal of raising funds and awareness for the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). The idea is to have each of 100 riders raise $10K. That's a million bucks that will go to help veterans and first responders wounded in the line of duty as well as other folks with a variety of disabilities get the equipment and support they need to live active lifestyles. Yep, we all have challenges we need to overcome to be active, fit and healthy. Want some inspiration to overcome those challenges? Check out the stories of some of the athletes who have benefitted from CAF.

Anyway, many people have asked me to keep them posted on how things are going with the contest and I figured this would be a good way to do it. To summarize what's happened to date, we just had our fourth weekly group workout today. Week 1 was a 40-mile easy coast ride. Week 2 was a hilly 60-miler that reminded me how much I need to work on my climbing. Week 3 involved a train ride to Anaheim with an 80-mile ride back to San Diego. Mostly flat, but with a few hills thrown in to remind me again how much I need to work on my climbing. Notice a pattern? Today was our easy week...track at the velodrome.

Riding a bike with no brakes and no gears on a banked oval with lines here and there and many rules was a little (ok, a lot) scary. But, I did it and had such a great time! No crashes, either. Phew! My legs were soooo sore, though. I really have been working on the climbing. Riding to work (Texas street is still kicking my butt!) and then did Rachel's "Independence Century" on Friday and the Great Western Loop on Sat. After the clinic this a.m., rode to the cove for a swim and that helped the legs a lot.

As far as the contest, no one has been eliminated yet, although it looks like about 9 of the original 30 have dropped out on their own. The first elimination will be on July 14, 2009 and all but 15 will be dropped. The person who gets the most votes on the radio website will get immunity. for me!!

If you're not already a member of xx1090 AM Sports Radio, you have to join to vote. Join here. Once you're logged in, go here and click on the "Enter" button to the right of "What rider in the Scott and BR Challenge should get immunity?" Pick me!!

I'm so excited about doing this ride! I'd love to win the contest, but am also trying to raise money for CAF. If you’d like to make a donation and support me in my efforts, please visit my fundraising page: Also, if you have creative fundraising ideas or a lead on a potential corporate sponsor, please let me know.

If you’re interested in doing the ride yourself, there are still a few spots open! To learn more or to register, visit the QMDC page:

Thanks for your help and support!!!